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emank bagus sma brenda y??

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emank bagus sma brenda y?? Empty emank bagus sma brenda y??

Post  wi_nDy Sat 09 Aug 2008, 16:27

aii cmu lam knal yap??!!!
qu kemaren liat di gaul ktana bagus sama brenda bener g seh???? Question Exclamation

Jumlah posting : 4
Age : 30
Registration date : 18.07.08

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emank bagus sma brenda y?? Empty windy ..

Post  rany*1715 Sat 25 Oct 2008, 07:54

makasih yoo ,, plen ..
suda memberi tahu saiia tempat yang seperti ini ..
enak ..

Jumlah posting : 26
Age : 29
Location : bekasi timurr at graha harapan
Registration date : 23.10.08

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emank bagus sma brenda y?? Empty Re: emank bagus sma brenda y??

Post  e n i n g *nba94 Sun 02 Nov 2008, 14:10


soal ka Bagus ma Brenda,
kykny skrg ga bnr deh..

yg bnr, ka Bagus skrg lgii pcran ma ka Saras,
yg umurnaa beda 2 taon lbh tua dr ka Bagus ..

gituh ..

pnsrn ma cwe ntu ?
lytt aj di BLuv's site ..
e n i n g *nba94
e n i n g *nba94

Jumlah posting : 40
Age : 30
Registration date : 14.06.08

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emank bagus sma brenda y?? Empty Re: emank bagus sma brenda y??

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